The Virtual Games
What is the Virtual Games?
The Virtual Games is an app based, nationwide company challenge that allows you to log your exercise activity in exchange for points. This 14 day challenge is all about getting fit & staying healthy - but with a competitive edge! In addition to steps, we also have 5 other exercises for you to choose from – running/jogging, crunches, cycling, weights and rowing. Each time you log an activity, we will convert this into points and add your totals to the leaderboards.
The aim of the challenge is to walk the length of the Irish coastline, a distance of 3171km!
How Do I Sign Up?
Sign up using the form below and choose your relevant team from the dropdown menu. Registrations will close on July 13th at 5pm.
What Happens Next?
The challenge will begin on July 17th at 10am when participants will receive an email with a link to download their app and their login details.
Please note that in order to take part in this challenge you will require Android (4.3+) or Apple (iOS 9+)
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