Full spectrum care, for a full spectrum life.

Stress Buster Webinar Series


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Stress Buster Webinar Series

We all react differently to stressful situations. What one person finds stressful, another person may not. However, when stress undermines both our mental and physical health, this is perceived as a problem.

Full of actionable advice, this 5 part video series will give you insights into how making small changes to your outlook and making some short brain training exercises part of your routine can give you both short and long-term ways to relieve stress and boost your energy and productivity.

Some of the topics we will cover include:

  • How to recharge your batteries, physically, mentally, and emotionally

  • How to harness stress so that it spurs your productivity

  • Some techniques to calm yourself by venting, meditating, and/or giving yourself a time out

  • Some tips on improving the quantity and the quality of your sleep

  • Some work life balance thoughts (particularly focused on making use of your home time)

  • Manage your online time - or advice how to give yourself a sabbatical from it altogether

  • How to leave a bad day at the office door

Who: Chartered physiotherapist NAME will carry out the 30 minute consultations.

When: The consultations will take place on September 20th & 22nd from 09:00-17:00. Duration of the consultations will be 30 minutes each.

Do I Need to Sign up? Yes. Places are limited so please register by completing the booking form below.

Register Now

Please note, if a time slot has already been booked you can click on “Wait” to sign up for a wait list for that particular time slot. Meaning that you have no booking but are on a waiting list for this time slot if there is a cancellation.

If there is a “Sold” button or blank space next to the time slot this means both the time slot and the wait list slot have been taken.

If you receive an error message, this means multiple people are trying to book for the same time slot. Refresh the page and repeat the booking process to confirm your booking.


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