Full spectrum care, for a full spectrum life.

Mental Health Manager Workshop TLI Group TMH 251124


Mental Health Manager Digital Workshop

Let’s train & support your company's management teams; because understanding changes everything!

Our Manager Mental Health Workshop has been tailored to provide indispensable guidance for supporting team members facing mental health challenges. This workshop was crafted to help equip managers with the latest insights, incorporating post-pandemic research on mental health prevalence in Ireland and the impact of the Great Resignation on the local workforce.

Managers will be taken through case studies and real-life examples, enabling managers to hone their skills effectively. These case studies are drawn from the most pertinent real-world scenarios, reflecting the top three presentations to EAP over the last year.

This workshop will focus on the following:

·        An introduction to mental health

·        To understand the links between mental wellbeing, employee engagement and increased productivity

·        To know how to start a conversation about mental health

·        To understand different scenarios around supporting employees experiencing stress or a mental health problem

·        To develop and maintain positive working relationships in your team

·        To promote open dialogue and employee engagement

·        We explain the key role of managers

·        Managers leading from the front in a positive mental health strategy

Who: Psychotherapist, Marguerite Kiely will deliver this workshop.

When: The workshop will take place on November 25th at 9:00am via MS Teams. Duration of the workshop will be 2 hours in total.

Do I Need to Sign Up? Yes, to sign up, please complete the booking form below. 

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If there is a “Sold” button or blank space next to the time slot this means both the time slot and the wait list slot have been taken.

If you receive an error message, this means multiple people are trying to book for the same time slot. Refresh the page and repeat the booking process to confirm your booking.


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